
Meet our new Trustees

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We welcome four new Trustees to our board

Debbie Burrows, Luella Linaker, Rob McIntosh, and Tim Gander who join existing Trustees Lorraine Mentz, Hana O’Regan and Liz Gibbs.

Co-Chair Lorraine Mentz said “the new appointments to the Education Partnership & Innovation Trust (EPIT) board are an important evolutionary step for EPIT as we mature and continue to deliver transformational change in education in Aotearoa. I’m confident that the newly expanded board will be well-placed to continue developing EPIT’s kaupapa and status as a key player. The addition of Debbie, Luella, Rob and Tim contribute such a rich and diverse set of skills and experience at the board table.”

“We believe that EPIT has a unique role to play in providing collaborative, multi-sector partnership opportunities to drive systems change. Our focus on improving equity by encouraging a ‘whole of community’ approach and working closely with our partners delivering in our ECEs and schools, aims to ensure our young learners get the best possible educational experiences and outcomes.”

This is an exciting new development in our EPIT journey.

Jane Treadwell-Hoye
12 March 2024
min read

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