
Webinar: the State of Literacy

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Education is a hot topic in the current news and pre-election commentary.

There is increasing concern, across the country, about the falling literacy rates of our young learners, and studies show that New Zealand students are reading below average. So, what sits behind the headlines and how do we better understand what is going on? What are the factors at play?

Join the conversation via live webinar, 4.15-5.30pm, Wednesday 23 August as we discuss the State of Literacy in Aotearoa New Zealand with Jilly Tyler, Chief Executive of Talking Matters and Michele Whiting, Chairperson, Te Mana o Kupe Trust. Reserve your place here.

About our speakers
Jilly Tyler, Chief Executive, Talking Matters

Jilly is driven to elevate great outcomes for children and their families. She has the privilege of guiding the strategy to achieve the Talking Matters mission, which is to get everyone talking more with babies, toddlers and young children. She has extensive experience in early childhood education, encompassing teaching, professional development, and educational management.  Jilly went on to hold senior roles in central government leading early childhood policy implementation. Most recently Jilly has worked in community facing projects that combine data and measurement to support organisations to achieve impact.

Michele Whiting, MNZM, Chairperson, Te Mana o Kupe Trust

Michele has had a lengthy career in education. She led the re-establishment of the Porirua East Group of Principals in 2009, coordinating professional development in literacy and moderation across schools, as well as setting up an across cluster project to improve attendance. This work became a strong foundation for the Porirua East Kāhui Ako aiming to build collaboration and consistency of high-quality teaching and learning across schools. Enabling whānau to invest in and engage with their children’s digital education through the work of Te Mana o Kupe Trust has been a key focus for Michele in the last 5 years. There is growing evidence of improved student voice, agency and identity and achievement in writing in the participating schools.

Nischal Chakravarthy
14 August 2023
min read

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